If you've been craving a Blue Fairy, a Piano Woman, a Moonblast, or a... well, a Beer, and you live within the shipping boundaries of Fangamer Europe, we have excellent news for you: Our official VA-11 Hall-A pub glass and coaster set is finally here! It's joined by the freshly reprinted Karmotrine Dream cocktail book, and you can save €3 if you buy both together.

We're celebrating a decade of Shovelry with new Shovel Knight desk mats and pins! The Dreaming of You desk mat and the celebration pin are shipping now from our EU warehouse.

If our all-new Professor Layton jigsaw puzzle reminds you of a puzzle, don't worry—there's a perfectly good, uncomplicated reason for that. It's shipping now from our EU warehouse.
It's been a little over a month since we announced that OFF was coming to Steam and Nintendo Switch, and we're kicking off the first issue of our development newsletter with some big news: Toby Fox is contributing to the soundtrack! Click through for a Q&A with Toby, a chance to listen to two tracks, and a message from Mortis Ghost, the creator of OFF.
(If you're already on board, you can wishlist OFF on Steam and preorder our physical edition for Nintendo Switch, or just sign up for the newsletter at the game's official website.)