Illustration of Port & Company PC61
Port & Company PC61

This chart refers to the shirt's dimensions laid flat. Measure one of your current shirts along the same A B & C lines to find which size would fit you best.

Please note that these measurements are averaged approximations of each size. Minor variances may be present.

SM MD LG XL 2X 3X 4X 5X 6X
A 46 50 54,5 61,5 65,5 68 75,5 80 85
B 68,5 70,5 73 74,5 78 79 82 83 86
C 46,5 52 55 62 65,5 70 77 81 86,5
SM MD LG XL 2X 3X 4X 5X 6X
A 18,25 20,25 21,5 24 25,75 26,75 29,75 31,5 33,5
B 26,75 28 28,75 29,25 30,75 31,25 32,5 32,75 33,75
C 18,5 20,5 21,75 24,5 25,75 27,5 30,5 31,75 34